BOOK CHAPTER (119-129)
Extradition is certainly an area which is particularly sensitive in terms of human rights under international law. The violation of the right to liberty must always be justified, even more so the violation of the right to liberty and the surrender of a person to another country, another legal system. The surrendering country must be assured that, in addition to the fulfilment of human rights formalities, the same standards and guarantees will be provided in the country requesting surrender. This thesis identifies areas that, due to legal and cultural differences between countries, constitute weak links in the extradition process. It addresses not only the legal aspects of human rights regulation, but also criminal procedures related to extradition. In conclusion, the author identifies areas in need of international efforts to enhance human rights guarantees in the procedure under study.
Projekt dofinansowany ze środków budżetu państwa, przyznanych przez Ministra Edukacji i Nauki w ramach Programu „Społeczna Odpowiedzialność Nauki II” pt. „Współczesny obraz społeczeństwa polskiego w nauce i debacie publicznej”