Akademia Nauk Stosowanych
im. Alcide De Gasperi
BOOK CHAPTER (131-150)
Teacher's readiness for inclusive education: examples from selected primary schools
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The main aim of the research was to determine whether teachers working in chosen primary schools were ready for the inclusive education. The diagnostic poll method based on the survey technique was used in order to conduct the research. The nonprobability sampling of the research sample guaranteed obtaining the optimal information necessary for the purpose of the study. Teachers who took part in the research had various work experience, they represented various career advancement levels within the field of education. The research problems mentioned in this work concerned: the level of schools’ preparation for working with students with special educational needs (SEN), actions that were undertaken by the school in order to support students with SEN, teachers’ qualifications in the field of inclusive education, and finally the benefits of inclusive education for students with SEN. On the basis of the analysis of the research results, it can be concluded that inclusive education brings huge benefits to students with special educational needs. It undoubtedly influences children’s social and emotional development as well as contributes to the broadening of their knowledge. However, some teachers point out that not all children are prepared to benefit from the inclusive education.
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