Akademia Nauk Stosowanych
im. Alcide De Gasperi
BOOK CHAPTER (189-201)
Funkcjonowanie sekt a bezpieczeństwo państwa i obywateli
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Abstract. Operation of sects and safety of the state and citizens. The problem of sects, or all new religious movements emerged in Poland in the mid-90s. The reason for this was, among others, regained freedom of conscience and religion in 1989, liquidation of state surveillance over management of religious minorities and borders opening. After the turn and regaining independence in 1989 Poland stood on the position of ideological neutrality. As a result of the Law on Guarantees of freedom of conscience and religion of 17th May 1989, regulations governing the establishment and management of religious groups were changed. Under that law the Polish state, inter alia, guarantees citizens the right to form religious communities, the right to preach their religion or belief; raise their children according to their religious beliefs, maintain contact with other fellow believers, including participation in the work of religious organizations on an international scale; association in secular organizations for the implementation of tasks resulting from religion or religious beliefs. Many previously unknown in Poland groups and religious movements appeared in the 90s together with the new political and legal situation. There were also groups that up to 1989 hadn’t obtained the status of the Church or other religious association because of unfriendliness of the authorities. As a result of more frequent abuses and risks to the national security and citizens connected with sects actions, the Report on the National Security Office which included one chapter on the said issue was published in 1995.
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