BOOK CHAPTER (197-214)
The topics of the article is an analysis of the functions of social leadership in local communities. Its thesis is that social leaders or not the phenomenon of the past but it is also important for the future. This is visible
by their functions in local social life. They play a crucial role in coordination and control of local life and in socialization and transfer of tradition
as well. They also facilitate adaptation to a situation of crisis and social
change. Thanks them local communities are structurally safer. The social
basis for effective performing the roles of social leaders are commonly
shared values.
Social leaders perform their role through communication. They transfer knowledge, values, patterns of behavior, and bring solutions in difficult
or new situations. They do not exist for themselves, but through important
social functions. They play a role of a guide for individuals, who open them
new horizons and give them new capabilities. Communication with a social leader allows individuals to widen their capabilities and compensate
for their weaknesses.
Social leaders acts through interpersonal influence: good example, authenticity, knowledge and wisdom. They influence other because of their
competence or moral authority. Persistence of values in society is due
to social and moral leaders. They are medium for their successful intergenerational transmission. Social leaders emerge, last and perform their
functions only in specific social conditions. They are rooted in community of values. The threat for them is a blindness or nihilism toward social
and moral leaders. And opposite - ability of effective communication with
them is very valuable for an individual. It can be called an important cultural instrument of liberty
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