BOOK CHAPTER (405-419)
Elektroniczny Moduł Procesowy
odpowiedzią na poczucie
zagrożenia bezpieczeństwa
w wymiarze krajowym
i europejskim
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Abstract. Electronic Process Module in response to a sense of security risks
in a domestic and European. In recent years, in order to reduce crime and
increase public confidence, and thus a sense of security for citizens, the police
implements a modern system of service organization and regulations. Enormous importance is attached also to the event handler, and the high quality of
contacts with victims. In the aim of implementation of ongoing projects under
the name of the computer application Electronic Process Module allows the
simplification and shortening of procedural documentation and registration
requirements. The aim of authors of the article is to bringing the readers the
origins and characteristics of the applications, but mainly intention is to show
the desired results in connection with the implementation of the program into
the daily work of police officers, in the context of social expectations.
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Pomykała M., Administracja bezpieczeństwa i porządku publicznego, Warszawa 2009.
Wiśniewski B., Z. Piątek, Współczesny wymiar funkcjonowania Policji, Warszawa 2009.
Żukrowska K., Bezpieczeństwo międzynarodowe, Szkoła Główna Handlowa, Warszawa 2006.