Akademia Nauk Stosowanych
im. Alcide De Gasperi
BOOK CHAPTER (217-236)
The effectiveness of the training of bank staff
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Training has become an important tool for the development of employees in the banking sector. An indicator of the development of the organization is to care for the employee, and her expression is also the number of effective training. Perhaps that’s why training is now an end in itself, not a tool to achieve business objectives. Managers often fail to determine what effects it has to bring, wrongly assuming that each workshop is a guarantee of positive change. A well formulated training objective embodies its implementation. High bar puts businesses through specific training requirements. It gives a chance to fully implement the changes and thus return on invested capital and growth potential of the human organization. Training employees to create rich opportunities to improve competence and strategic approach to investment in human resources help the company realize its business objectives. But it is not simply the art of spending money on training, the trick is to invest it so that expenditure pay dividends in the future. Many Polish companies neglects the analysis of training needs and evaluation of training for fear of an increase in the cost of losing the opportunity to develop it. More and more often we hear about the knowledge-based economy, but until recently, offer training market was not tailored to the needs of banks. Today, that is changing. The positive transfer of training in the workplace is defined as the level of effects that occur when the participant uses the knowledge, skills and attitudes acquired during the training in the workplace (Newstrom, 1986). Transfer from the training room to the workplace is the most important when it comes to management development organization (DeSimone, Werner, Harris, 2002, p. 3). What exactly is the training? Is one way to invest in human capital employees. Good training is tailored to the needs of the company and of its employees, it is achieving its objectives and is effective. There is a strong correlation between the quality of human resources the company and its competitiveness on the market. Therefore, managers of companies need the right tools to raise employees’ qualifications and knowledge of how to use them. The backrest of the training process solely on the resources of more experienced staff now seems insufficient practice. In a rapidly changing economic environment and growing competition easily play resources through mandatory training leads to the devaluation of the competence of employees, and consequently to weaken the company’s position in the market. Meanwhile, it can develop only if the training of personnel ahead in terms of the effectiveness of current needs.
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