Akademia Nauk Stosowanych
im. Alcide De Gasperi
Effects of citizens complaints concerning the actions of public administration bodies in local and regional governments – selected issues
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Wyższa Szkoła Gospodarki Euroregionalnej im. Alcide De Gasperi w Józefowie
The starting point for my deliberations in this presentation will be an analysis of two fundamental laws that regulate the institution of a complaint. The laws in question are, of course, art. 63 of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland and the associated art. 221 (1) of the Code of Administrative Procedure. The Constitution provides that “Everyone shall have the right to submit petitions, proposals and complaints in the public interest, in his own interest or in the interests of another person - with his consent - to organs of public authority, as well as to organizations and social institutions in connection with the performance of their prescribed duties within the field of public administration. The procedures for considering petitions, proposals and complaints shall be specified by statute.” In my presentation, I will try to answer three fundamental questions: First, what should be the procedure for filing and considering a citizen’s complaint concerning the activities of local and regional government bodies and what difficulties the person filing a complaint may encounter in connection with this procedure? Second, what is the so-called internal complaint mode in situations where a complaint has been filed by a citizen in connection with actions or omissions of the head of an organizational unit of the local or regional government? Third, can complaints filed by citizens really improve the work of public administration bodies which, after all, comprise local and regional government administration (which is the area I focus on). I would like to propose the hypothesis that complaints not only can improve the work of public administration but are filed in response to their improper actions or omissions or improper performance of their duties or the duties of employees.
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