BOOK CHAPTER (113-135)
Education and psychological and pedagogical help carried out
remotely in the opinion of parents, students and teachers
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Remote education, and thus also psychological and pedagogical assistance,
became a necessity during the pandemic, and not a voluntary choice or a tool
supporting traditional education. Therefore, it was necessary to consider
whether and how the pandemic influenced the entire education process?
Did the students, parents and teachers cope with the change and how? Have
they encountered difficulties and what difficulties – especially in the field
of providing psychological and pedagogical help? Did the pandemic affect
the psychophysical functioning of students, parents and teachers, and how?
The planned research allowed to show the current situation in education
at the level of primary school, and also showed the scope and expectations
of respondents regarding the psychological and pedagogical help provided.
These studies allowed to show not only the first experiences, suggestions and
conclusions, but also to show psychophysical changes among respondents
(such as, for example, overloading parents, phobias, fears, etc.), their fears,
psychophysical condition and perceived threats (e.g. symptoms). depression
among children and parents, lack of motivation, etc.) and expected changes
in the future and in education, including the traditional one.
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