Edukacja muzyczna: muzyka jako forma wyrażania emocji u dzieci w
wieku przedszkolnym
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Wyższa Szkoła Gospodarki Euroregionalnej im. Alcide De Gasperi w Józefowie, Polska |
From the moment of being conceived, the child hears sounds. All words and sounds
have a great importance. They are symbols, which child uses in a variety of ways. Music has a
big influence on the progress in the child's growth, both in the mental and physical sphere.
Through music, the child learns to learn about himself and the world around him. Thanks
to it, the child's cognitive sphere is activated: perception, the ability to classify, and aesthetic
values. In addition, music supports memory, concentration, thinking and attention. This article
is devoted to the role of music education in child`s growth, the functions of music in expressing
emotions by children and determining the impact of music on emotional reactions among