The article is devoted to an analysis of a Polish public discourse on school
safety. In an attempt to confront this issue, the author refers to concepts of risk
society and politics of fear. These two terms are fundamental to understanding
why the matter of safety is so widely discussed in the public sphere. Using critical
discourse analysis, the author points several key players making up the discourse
on school safety: government institutions, schools and the media. By analyzing
messages sent by each, he characterizes their discourses and shows the accompanying social context. The author emphasizes that the discourse of the authorities,
unlike the sensational media discourse, is professional and the role of government
in making schools safe is based on the principle of subsidiarity. Subsequently, he
proves that discourse created by the authorities is determined by statutory tasks
of the school and concludes that safe school should be a result of cooperation between the school itself and various bodies from its environment. Finally, the author
notes that the fundamental weakness of this discourse can be not recognizing the
relationship between social inequalities and safety at school.
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