Dylematy współczesnej edukacji
Publication date
Krzysztofa Dziurzyńskiego
Education is a polysemantic concept, and according to the widest definition it is
a form of a social practice targeted at shaping of personality and delivery
of knowledge, skills and competence which enable living of a man amongst people
and for people. Understood that way it encompasses care and raising, and socialization, and education, and learning, and auto-improvement. Education
is a plurality of activities. Even though not planned they still can be spontaneous.
And at the other hand they can be planned and systemic. Both one-sided and manysided. Thus it is no mistake to claim that education is everything that enriches
a man and his cognition, makes him become fine and open to other people
and to the surrounding world. And the effect is an ability to function in the group,
community and society.