Abstract. Access to public information and the right to protect proprietary conÞ dential information of the entrepreneur. Everyone’s right to obtain public information should be considered the standard rule of law in every democratic system.
However, that right requires some limitation in speciÞ c areas. Exclusion of the
proprietary information of the entrepreneur from public circulation represents one
of such exceptions. It has to be underlined that according to the Polish legal system
gaining the effective legal protection against disclosure of conÞ dential information
requires taking legally described actions by the entrepreneur. In this sense the right to
protect conÞ dential proprietary information of the entrepreneur is not absolute. The
possible solutions of the conß ict between public interests and interest of the entrepreneur are another key issue in this field.
Aleksandrowicz T. R., Komentarz do ustawy o dostępie do informacji publicznej, Warszawa 2006.
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