BOOK CHAPTER (195-206)
Speech plays an extremely important role in interpersonal communication.
Often times, speech does not develop according to the norm. The time of
the pandemic is a very difficult time for specialists. Not an easy moment
for a quick, reliable diagnosis. The article clarifies the issues of diagnosis
and speech therapy. It talks about a reliable diagnosis, which is determined
by many factors, opinions, and specialist research. The article focuses on
specific conceptual terminology in the field of speech therapy diagnostics.
It allows for the emergence of a consistent diagnostic procedure. He brings
us closer to the difficult time of therapeutic work during remote learning.
It shows us the difficult access to medical specialists such as a neurologist,
ENT specialist, phoniatrist and others. Speech therapy care is designed to
preventive and diagnostic measures. The work of a speech therapist is taking
preventive measures to prevent speech defects and disorders. Supporting
preventive activities, including in the field of teachers. Speech therapist
Conducts screening tests to determine the speech of students. Organizing
speech therapy assistance. These are activities in the field of living word
culture. First of all, it shows us how many students use speech therapy
in educational institutions. The aim of this article is to show the difficult
work of a speech therapist in times of a pandemic. With what obstacles
on the way to beautiful Polish pronunciation a modern specialist. Under
what conditions do therapists work, wanting to further fulfill themselves as
therapists who want to help.
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