BOOK CHAPTER (257-274)
Bullying as a form of violence
in the school environment
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Wyższa Szkoła Gospodarki Euroregionalnej im. Alcide De Gasperi w Józefowie |
Adolescence is the most complicated period during the human being life. At that time, the physiological, social and emotional processes of
maturation occur. Shortly speaking, the entire human personality is being formed. Moreover, in that period a young person is prone to all kinds of
influences, especially the peer group. To impress and win its recognition
sometimes they intend to hurt other students physically and mentally – it
is bullying. Experiencing this phenomenon in the school demonstrates the
growing discomfort of the young generation.
Analysis of the school reality allows looking closer at the connections
existing between the crisis of adolescence and youth in this form of violence. In Western literature, this phenomenon is often associated with the
term „disagio” psycho-physical condition closely related to the crisis of the
adolescence period. Reasons of this state should be traced, for example in
the deprivation of access to culture, socio-economic marginalization, and
family and interpersonal problems. All of it makes it impossible or difficult
to meet important needs for the individual that may determine the development of chronic disagio and deviant behavior, even in school.
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