Akademia Nauk Stosowanych
im. Alcide De Gasperi
Building a personal brand by an employee
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The late twentieth and early twenty-first century is the time when the Internet and other media have become an integral part of every employee therefore it assumed a particular importance to consciously create a personal brand by an employee in the labor market. In a society filled with a lot of information, which are transmitted through different news channels and to create a strong, distinctive personal brand allows an employee to conscious shaping of his relationship with the external environment − meaning here current and future employers. Every year books and articles are published and article concerning this issue, indicating that it is in the interest of both theoreticians and practitioners of human resources management and marketing. They consider that the appropriate building a personal brand in the labor market is the element that allows the employee to acquire well-paid jobs, while employers finding an employee with a good brand of personal guarantee that the employee will perform challenging tasks and will generate added value for the organization. The interest on the part of employees of companies with a strong personal brand, so it seems reasonable, since this group may have a significant impact on the organization, taking into account both current and future its organizational objectives. The aim of this article is to identify the causes of the growing interest in the problems of a personal brand, presenting a definitional diversity concepts a personal brand, presentation tools for conscious building a personal brand, as well as the indication of the organizational benefits resulting from the employment of a strong personal brand. At the same time the article points out issues that require further exploration and further theoretical research.
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