Akademia Nauk Stosowanych
im. Alcide De Gasperi
Security of local community in the chosen cities of Warmia and Mazury region from the perspective of own scientific research
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Katedra Bezpieczeństwa i Porządku Publicznego Wydział Prawa i Administracji UWM w Olsztynie
We live in time when it is more and more difficult to identify the threats or their sources, thus we may assume that safe world today is impossible and the states and nations only become safer, however never quite secure. The spread of incurable diseases, activation of the followers of the extreme religious dogma, the plague of drug addiction or increasing number of criminal offenses is an inevitable consequence of the development of civilization and the liberal policy of the state. Striving for meeting the security needs at the highest possible level is an important part of human existence understood as an individual entity, as well as social. Nowadays security at the local level gains important meaning given by the general trends of social civilization, in which among the protected goods higher and higher is positions taken by local values, and localism is conceived as a protest against developed bureaucracy and widening distance between the ruled and the rulers. Moreover, security is often spatially recognized with a permanent contribution to the building of the security of individuals, states and the international community. Local dimension of security is reflected in the safety of public or society. The authors analyse the level of security of local society of the chosen cities of Warmia and Mazury region on the base of their own scientific research.
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