One of the components of the widely understood security is the information security that due to the increasing utilization of technical means
in the transmission, storage and processing of information, is vulnerable
to various forms of so-called cyber threats. Such real cyber threats are
now terrorist attacks conducted on networks and information systems.
The article presents a brief review of basic national (“National Security
Strategy of the Republic of Poland” and “Cyber Security Governmental
Program) and foreign (“US Department of Defense Strategy for Operating
in Cyberspace”, “Consensus Audit Guidelines” and ISO/IEC 27000 series) documents related to threats in cyberspace in order to intentionally underline deficiencies in the current Polish solutions. Additionally,
as a pessimistic forecast, there is high probability that the terrorist attacks
on networks and information systems will succeed due to broad, not effectively controlled “destruction box” of potential attacks, incoherent scope
of responsibilities of different security institutions, too complex security
organizational structure, luck of standardization of terminology, and finally, lack of a proper technical knowledge among the national lawmakers.
Koncepcja strategiczna obrony i bezpieczeństwa członków OrganizacjiTraktatu Północnoatlantyckiego, przyjęta przez szefów państw i rządóww Lizbonie, Lizbona 19-20 listopada 2010 r.
Liderman K., O zagrożeniach dla skutecznej ochrony informacji, przetwarzanej w sieciach i systemach teleinformatycznych, powodowanychnowomową, Biuletyn IOZ. Nr 2, WAT, Warszawa 2011 (w druku).
Raport MSWiA o stanie bezpieczeństwa w Polsce w 2010 r.
Rządowy program ochrony cyberprzestrzeni RP na lata 2011-2016. Wersja 1.1. Warszawa. Czerwiec 2010.
Strategia Bezpieczeństwa Narodowego Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej, Warszawa. 2007 r.
Strategy for Operating in Cyberspace. USA Department Of Defense, Lipiec 2011 r.