BOOK CHAPTER (611-627)
Economic security of a country
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Wyższa Szkoła Gospodarki Euroregionalnej im. Alcide De Gasperi, ul. Sienkiewicza 4, 05-410, Józefów, Polska |
„For 40 years we have hold the military definition of national security.
And a national security is the economic problem. Who loses the soil and forests -will soon lose production capacity.”
Seeking answers to the question: which issues(goals)are more important? We should realize, that the most important is the urgency or the rank
of a certain aspect during the implementation of interests or because
of the country’s issue in a given situation and at the moment.
Today, the country’s security is linked with a wide range of needs, among
other things, such as: survival, existence, prosperity and similar. Values,
which the definition of security refers to, are derived from human needs
and the needs of societies. They are reflected in their efforts, and which
in turn are formulated in the form of the reason of state, and the supreme
values and vital interests.
Needs, tha tare related to economic security, are objective in nature.
However, actions which seek to satisfy them mainly depend on the subjective perception of these needs and on the assessment of their status, as well
as the selection of measures, that are used to satisfy them
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