Currently in Poland issues of mass events regulates act of 20 March
on 2009 mass events security (Dz. U. of 21 April 2009). When Poland and
Ukraine stays co-hosted the European Championships EURO 2012 in
Poland to started process adopting change the low. The primary aim of the
reform was to make the effective to ensure security at EURO 2012.
New legislation (introduce EURO 2012) which entered into force on
basis of the act amending the act on the safety and security of mass events
to possible serving, selling and consuming low-alcohol (alcoholic beverages with less than 3,5% alcohol) during mass events, including football
matches (with the exception of high-risk events). The idea sparked off
a debate between supporters and opponents to access alcohol during mass
events in particular football matches.
In the European Championships issue to access drink alcohol was
a negligible, because UEFA banned the consumption of alcohol during
At the moment new regulation sill is a cause o lots of controversy, because some owners of stadiums and mass events, the organizers want to
serve and sell alcoholic beverages with an alcohol content above 3.5% during mass events.
The situation is a serious conflict between originators, who want to
serve and sell alcoholic beverages with an alcohol content above 3.5% during mass events, including football matches and those persons, who are
responsibility for security
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Pokruszyński, W. (2010). Teoretyczne aspekty bezpieczeństwa. Podręcznik akademicki, Józefów, Wydawnictwo Wyższej Szkoły Gospodarki Euroregionalnej im. Alcide De Gasperi.
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Zawartka, M. (2011). Widowisko sportowe, jego specyfika i wpływ na agresywne zachowanie widowni, W:[Kryłowicz, M., Tomczak, r. (red) Wieloaspektowe ujęcie bezpieczeństwa – EURO 2012. Stan obecny i perspektywy] , Poznań, Wydawnictwo Wyższej Szkoły Bezpieczeństwa.
Ustawa o wychowaniu w trzeźwości i przeciwdziałaniu alkoholizmowi z 26 października 1982 roku. (Tekst jedn.: DzU z 2007 r. nr 70, poz. 473. z póź
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