Amplitudy rozwojowe –
kaprys czy potrzeba natury?
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Szkoła Wyższa im. Bogdana Jańskiego
Wydział Nauk Społecznych w Warszawie |
Jan Szafraniec to argue that the mental development of man we find the amplitude of the
periodic phenomenon called development. Amplitude in the physical meaning is the
process of the maximum deflection of the body oscillating or pendulum from the equilibrium
position in a state of "agitation". The current state is disturbed, "excursion", the
destabilization of the status quo, launching a movement of something static, distortion of
what was already established.
Observed in human life "stability" are situational and human relations are conditioned by its
environment. Articulation of these have different causes, frequency and intensity. However,
in addition to displacements caused by the nature of the external causes (situational
displacements) appear in each of our lives amplitude that are caused by factors internal
nature, physiological. This precipitated the swing state of equilibrium existing status quo,
bring the body into a state of "wobble", in order to experience the consequence that
different from the previous state.
H. A. Murray, Explorations inpersonality. New York, 1938.
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