Mass media representatives claim that the impact of mass media
on attitudes and conduct of a mass media on audience has not been
proved and cannot be separated from other factors provoking aggression, brutalization and vulgarization of social behaviour (in particular
among children and young people). By affecting the feelings of children in particular, mass media evoke strong emotional experiences,
resulting from watching not only sights of terror and cruelty shown
in films, but also other programmes containing content of high dramatic tension. In many television or video films the world is depicted
as a community of people with prevailing ruthlessness, cynicism and
the worship of wealth. It is very early that children get accustomed to
the sight of blood, torture, crime and seemingly neutral scenes, which
as a matter of fact very strongly affect their nervous system. Emotions
experienced by young viewers are often transformed into long lasting
states of general fatigue and irritation, causing discouragement and aggression.
Research conducted by Andrzej Bałandynowicz shows that violence in the mass media assumes increasingly brutal, treacherous and
perverted forms, which is also noticeable in new information carriers
(electronic multimedia, information portals, discussion forums). In
addition, there appear extremely subtle and difficult to notice mental
manipulations which break the ethical code of the audience. Elimination of these risks should first of all involve protecting juveniles against
harmful mass media content.
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