BOOK CHAPTER (263-273)
Aggression and violence constitute a complex phenomenon. Aggressive attitudes of children and youth are affected by many factors of internal and external character.
Other persons also have an effect here. Apart from parents the effects
on behavior are produced also by other important adults who include remaining members
of the family, people from direct or more distant surrounding, and also teachers.
Pedagogical literature presents many studies where teacher is presented as the person
of tremendous influence on aggression and violence at a classroom. In the school circumstances the teacher can become the source of aggression, object of aggression, mediator,
arbitrator or witness of the events. Like any other the school community is characterized
by a high level of complication of the rules, standards or relations. Everyone in the school
community has certain roles to take in the school theater.
The purpose of this article is an attempt to scrutinize the intricacies of the school relations
from the point of view of aggression and violence.
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