Akademia Nauk Stosowanych
im. Alcide De Gasperi
BOOK CHAPTER (287-300)
A disabled person’s human right to fair and equitable medical treatment as an example of an inalienable right
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To make an analysis and evaluation of the disabled people’s perception of their right to fair medical treatment. To obtain answers to the following questions: is the right to fair medical treatment in Poland viewed as non-transferable? Does this law function only in theory or is it put into practice? The survey was conducted among the disabled with different degrees and types of disabilities. The questionnaire consisted of 45 closed questions and 3 open ones. The research was conducted from autumn 2016 to spring of 2017 in the Environmental Self-help Centres, Support Centres, Protected Accommodation Foundations and Activation Programs, selected hospitals around the voivodship, District Adjudication Teams, Social Security Institution branches, departments of PFRON (with the agreement of all the selected units) and the Institutions of Job Safety. The research has concluded that the disabled right to fair and equitable medical treatment is frequently violated. This right is not respected by doctors, nurses, and other members of medical personnel, especially in the case of these patients suffering from mental disorders or coupled disabilities. The key factor here is the possibility of easily used patient’s insanity argument. In addition, this group of people still lacks adeqite knowledge about their rights, does not know how to react or who to turn to in such situations. And even if one has such awareness, a battle with the “well-tightened” medical staff circle and the “limping” system of the Polish health service is practically a no-win situation. Especially since this sector seems to be most exposed to corruptive activities. In Poland, the disabled’s right to fair and equitable medical treatment is repeatedly violated. There is a lack of holistic model of diagnosis and medical treatment not only for this social group but also fo all citizens. The research conducted and the NIK’s audit have unequivocally demonstrated numerous deficiencies in respecting the basic (and non-transferable) rights of the patients.
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