Akademia Nauk Stosowanych
im. Alcide De Gasperi
BOOK CHAPTER (139-152)
„I think so I am” - a program of philosophizing for young people
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PWSZ im. Witelona w Legnicy
The aim of this article is to present the educational technique which is philosophical education, which for many years has been successfully operating in many schools of the world as an innovative technique, both in the sphere of education and upbringing of young people. It has an excellent application in stimulating the moral, cognitive and affective development of young individuals at every level of education from early childhood education. It prepares young people to participate in the broadly understood discourse, and thus implements many democratic values in practice. The article will outline the educational project created for the needs of the competition announced in 2016 by the National Center for Research and Development (Konkurs nr 3/EFI/POWER/3.1/2016). The aim of the competition was to use the didactic potential of universities to support students’ competences related to correct argumentation and critical, independent thinking, logic and heuristic. Therefore, the PWSZ joined them to the competition. The Witelon University of Applied Sciences in Legnica and the „I Think I’m Am” project of philosophical education was created – a philosophy program for youth, which was approved by the National Center for Nuclear Studies and is currently being implemented over the years 2017–2019 in two general secondary schools of the city of Legnica. When creating and then implementing the concept of the project, it became clear that it is not only a tool to implement the tasks indicated in the competition, but also a way to support democratic behavior and sometimes also has quasi-therapeutic support. The work will outline the theoretical background and the goals of applying philosophy, then specific methods (special: Five Fingers Method) and techniques used in the project, further contents contained therein and finally conclusions resulting from the implementation of the project.
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